Floating teeth with braces to correct the defective biting a path was used. Today, however, in some cases, conventional orthodontic brackets and wires used in the treatments without the need to fix teeth that are Digiortho system.
Digiortho system, step by step to reposition the teeth of a series of clear, removable plaques using straighteners.
Digiortho system is was selected because, according to dental wires seen.
In addition, they are removable, it is easier to clean teeth after meals. Plates are flat and comfortable, so gums, cheek and language do not cause inflammation.
Digiortho system, you may encounter in metals does not cause allergic reactions.
What is Digiortho?
The aim of orthodontic treatment with the teeth attached, removable, which does not seem as obvious in the mouth, and many distinguished clinically proven method of successful results have been obtained.
As shown on the right, which is a transparent material, using braces instead aimed to solve formal dental disorders.
Trimmers 3-dimensional tooth structure with the help of special computer systems that are modeled in accordance with one to one.
Digiortho Treatment Process
Attached to each for 2 weeks at a corrective. During this period, corrective only you can remove during eating, drinking or brushing your teeth .
Two weeks after a corrective attached to the new, between the teeth of the old with the new corrective generating small differences become more uniform.
Each insertion of a spellchecker to make it look more beautiful teeth one step.

Total duration of treatment ranged from 4 to 15 months.