Questions / Answers

Profits of a treatment of orthodontics

Your smile, it is the first image which we have of you, the one which stays.
To have a pleasant smile is important because when you have a better appearance, you feel better.
The orthodontics is an investment for the life: the greater well-being is permanent.
The orthodontics treatments also play an important role in the improvement of the oral health. The bad occlusions can entail an abnormal wear of teeth and difficulties of chewing. The noises and pain of the joints and the headaches which are often associated can be sometimes due to badly positioned teeth and deepbite.
The aligned teeth are easier to clean thus more resistant in cavities and less subject to the gingival diseases.

Questions and Answers

1 - Why to choose the Orapix system
Because it is a "lingual" orthodontic system, which means invisible. The only person who knows that you wear an appliance, it is you.
The appliance is prepared for you, no patient has the same device: the location of the brackets and the archwires ' the engine of the appliance " which your practitioner is going to use during your treatment, are individualized. The appliance is more effective and allows to obtain an excellent result more quickly.

2 - Why the lingual appliance Orapix is more comfortable
Because we use the smallest brackets (1.5mm ) and because the wires do not have bends anymore, what had the effect of irritating the tongue a lot.
The appliance is called Orapix-straight wire because we use less aggressive wires.

3 -    Why a treatment with the Orapix lingual system is faster?
On the computer the appliance is individualized according to the anatomy of your teeth so as to obtain the best result in the shortest time.
Thanks to the technology CAD / CAM which we use to bond every brackets and because all the archwires are individualized (no standard archwire is used), your teeth move faster towards the ideal position which you wish.

4 - Can see the result before beginning the treatment?
Yes we can, it is one of big advantages of Orapix. The appliance is built on a computer thus your orthodontist can show you the final result before beginning. You can even show him the position of your teeth which you prefer before the appliance is made.

5 - Is the Orapix system used for all the patients?
Yes, there is no contraindication with this system but is needed to have a good hygiene. Orapix is used for teenagers and adults at any age.

You want well aligned teeth, attractive smile.
You want a treatment which is not going to disturb your everyday life.
You want a really invisible appliance.
You want a perfect result quickly.

Orapix is made for you, ask for it to your orthodontist
Treated Cases
Case 1



Case 2



Case 3



Case 4



Case 5



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